Cascade Parent Partnership


Enrollment in Cascade Virtual Option K-12

How to Enroll

Request Cascade Virtual Option for Next Year

To request enrollment for the next school year:

Before requesting Cascade Virtual Option, students must already be enrolled in Seattle Public Schools. Click HERE for the SPS enrollment page. Students must be assigned to their neighborhood school before they can request Cascade VO.

When enrolled in SPS, contact the Cascade office at 206-743-3900 or email You can also fill out the Cascade Virtual Option Request Form

Before being assigned to Cascade Virtual Option, the student will be scheduled to attend an orientation. K-5 orientation requires parent/guardian attendance. 6-12 orientation encourages attendance with a parent/guardian.

After the orientation, the student will meet with a Virtual Option staff member one to one. The first orientations and one to one meetings will be scheduled in August before the start of school.

Students will remain enrolled in their assigned school until approved for transfer to Cascade Virtual Option following their one to one meeting.

If the student does not attend orientation and a one to one meeting, they will remain enrolled at their assigned school.

Mid-Year Transfer Process

Grade 6-12 transfers are only considered each semester up to the first half of the semester.

  • First Semester – transfers are considered through the first week of November (end of the first quarter)
  • Second Semester – transfers are considered through mid-April (end of the 3rd quarter)

Grade K-5 Transfers are considered throughout the school year.

To request a mid-year transfer families will contact the Cascade office at 206 743-3900 or email and/or fill out the Cascade Virtual Option Request Form.

Onboarding Process

  1. Contact Cascade office. You do NOT need to fill out a district transfer appeal. Just call us!
  2. Fill out A Cascade Virtual Option Request Form.
  3. The student remains enrolled in their current school while completing all onboarding steps.
  4. Parent/Student will be emailed a link to the Cascade Virtual Option orientation.
    • Orientations are offered weekly during the school year. Orientations are not offered during school breaks or after the mid semester cut off.
    • Grades 6-12 students must attend orientation (parents are encouraged to attend also). 
    • Grades K-5 students must attend with a parent. 
  5. After orientation, students will schedule a 1 to 1 meeting with a Virtual Option staff member to choose classes and make sure they can log in to their virtual classes. 
    • If you have not yet, check out a computer from your current school prior to the 1 to 1 meeting.
  6. Once this meeting is complete and successful, the student will be transferred from their current school to Cascade Virtual Option.

NOTES:  Prior to the transfer in step #6, students remain enrolled at their school and can be withdrawn for non-attendance. Please continue to attend the current school until all 6 steps are completed.

If the student does not complete all 6 steps, they will remain enrolled at their current school and will not be transferred.

Students requesting the Virtual Option must live within Seattle Public Schools boundaries.