Cascade Parent Partnership K-8


Class Add/Drop and Waitlist Policy

Add/Drop and Waitlist

Class Add/Drop Policy

Certificated Classes: 

  • Cert classes may be added to a student’s schedule for the first two weeks of the semester. 
  • Semester 1 – September 18th.
  • Semester 2 – February 12th

Elective (Contractor) Classes

  • Most of our contractor classes can be added for the first quarter of the semester
  • Semester 1 – November 6th
  • Semester 2 – April 8th
    • Exceptions:  Woodworking classes end sooner and because of the skills building nature of the class, students cannot add these classes after the first 2 weeks of the semester.

Class waitlists will dissolve after the deadlines.

Dropping classes:  Classes can be dropped at any time as long as your student has at least 1 certificated class.  But, the sooner you do this, the sooner another student can participate. 

The ADD/DROP form  is located in Resources/Forms

Waitlist Policy

If your student has been assigned a number on a class waitlist, you will be notified by email and/or Talking Points text if a spot opens in the class. 

Waitlists are viewable in your ALE/School Data Solutions parent account.

  1. Login to ALE then follow the numbers below 2-4.
Screen shot of ALE waitlist page

How long does a waitlist remain active?

  • Certificated class waitlists remain open through the first two weeks of the semester. 
  • Most contractor waitlists stay open through the first half of the semester.  Wait lists for contractor classes that end sooner (like Woodworking) will dissolve after the first two weeks of the semester.

Waitlist Dos and Don’ts

  • Remember, each student has a 5 class limit if full time or 3 if part time.  Your class count includes spaces on waitlists. 
  • A student enrolled in 5 classes cannot ask to hold a spot in a 6th class.  You will not be offered your waitlisted class if you already have a full load of classes.
  • If you are waiting for a spot in a class, do not sign up for another class at that time.  You will not be offered your wait list spot if you already have a class at the same time.
  • You may use the add/drop form to remove a student from a waitlist.
  • If a class is full, you may fill out the add/drop form to put a student on the waitlist.
  • Students cannot be enrolled in one section of a class and on a waitlist for another section of the same class.